
I’ve decided to publish key parts of my journey so I can reference it moving forward, and so it may be available as an accessible, free reference for others. I will



I’m pretty active on Instagram, you can connect with me at @craigsgreentable. It’s a great place to meet like-minded foodies and find a huge variety of inspiration. I’ve been so lucky to connect with very smart, kind, funny people that are passionate about eating plant-based foods. I’ll go into more detail about the Instagram community as I write more about my journey.


You’ve made it here! I plan to continue adding my favorite recipes, my thoughts, and what works for me & what doesn’t to craigsgreentable.com. While instagram is more “in the moment”, the content I put here is a bit more hardened and/or detailed. You’ll hear me say this over and over again, but it’s been such a winding journey for me to figure out how I can adopt a plant-based diet that I want to journal that info and share it.

Books & Literature

There are many powerful books reporting the benefits of following a predominantly plant-based diet. I’ll only share books on here that I am personally familiar with and believe have significantly influenced my journey towards a plant-based lifestyle. If you’re interested, the most economical option would be to get them through your library or e-library. Please note that some of the links provided may be affiliate links, meaning I could earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase through them, at no additional cost to you.

Videos & Documentaries

Currently a placeholder.

Sites & Online Content

Currently a placeholder.