Soy Curls are a plant-based meat alternative from Butler Foods made from 100% soybeans. They are as versatile as chicken, but are made from the whole soybean. The soybeans are certified Non-GMO and are grown without chemical pesticides in the USA. They are made and sold by Butler Foods in Oregon, USA.

Although soy curls are similar to other plant-based products, such as textured vegetable protein (TVP) and soya chunks, they hold their own unique spot in the world of ingredients that are commonly referred to as proteins. Many people find Soy Curls to simply be a better product than TVP and soya chunks, mostly due to the single ingredient of whole soybeans, the range of possible textures, and the overall versatility (you can’t shred most TVP, and soya chunks can be oddly tough).
Where to Buy Soy Curls
Soy Curls can be purchased in some health food stores and online:
- 3-Pack on Amazon (#affiliatelink)
- Health food stores in the USA, Canada, and Caribbean
- From Butler Foods directly
If you’re BRAND NEW to Soy Curls, I highly recommend you start out with a simple 3-pack, which will give you some room for testing different ways to cook and enjoy them. Once you’re a Soy Curl aficionado, you may move on to the coveted 12 pound box purchased directly from Butler Foods.
How to Prepare Soy Curls
Butler Foods provides basic instructions on preparing Soy Curls. They say to rehydrate the Soy Curls by soaking them in warm water for about 10 minutes, squeezing out the excess water, and finally seasoning and cooking them. Many people find that although this works, it leaves them with a spongy texture. Fortunately, other methods of preparing them make them unbelievably good in taste and texture, and one of the main points of this blog is to share those methods. See How to Rehydrate Soy Curls for more information on preparing Soy Curls!
I’ve only added a handful of recipes so far, but there are more on the way!