Air Fried Broccoli and Mac & Chz (plant based, oil free, nut free, gluten free) 💚
Holy Macaroni, this dish! 🥰
What a momentous thing when you look forward to your new plant powered plate as much or even MORE than your old standard diet plates.
– Air fried broccoli
– Brown rice elbow macaroni
– Chz sauce founded on soft tofu & lots of nooch
The chz is a work in progress: just a simple, creamy, noochy, tangy sauce that really hit the spot. I wasn't expecting it to be this good on the first pass. Happy to share the recipe when it's dialed in, I think I just need to drop the lemon juice a wee bit.
Plating preference: reserve a small amount of chz to spread across the noods after plating. Finish with pinch of dry parsley.
#plantbased #tippingpoint #5050plate