Air fries with dry parsley, a five dollar pile of Russian mix sprouts, and a side of horseradish ketchup 💚
Ok, I didn't spend five dollars on that pile of sprouts. I spent tens of cents. Just a reference to Pulp Fiction and the cost of sprouts in the store, and yes I buy them in the store too 😇
I think the last key part to great air fries, and I know people say this all the time but I constantly refuse to accept it, is to not crowd the fries too much. I added about 30% more fries and wouldn't you know they were about 30% less browned when the 20 minutes was up and I ended up adding about 4-5 more minutes so they dried out a touch more than I wanted. Practice, baby!
Dried parsley is so darn inexpensive and such a powerful visual for potatoes and pasta, I reach for it ALL THE TIME. I have a ginormous container of the stuff. Some people in Montana have massive pickup trucks, but I have a massive canister of dried parsley. To each their own! 🛻🌿
I'm not saying you're going to pull out any noticeable amount of nutrition from that parsley, but if you start eating with your eyes like me then that's +1, and remember that every time you pick up a healthy plant ingredient, you're moving in the right direction -- that's +2. If you want a +3, check out the visuals from @vegan.sisu. Very inspiring!
#planrbased #plantbaeed #plantbased #gotitthattime #potatoes #poyaytoes #🥔