Breakfast sandwich... For lunch (plant-based , oil-free) 💚
This is the last brown rice, white bean, walnut sausage patty that I made. I'm going to make one more batch, this time with soaked almonds, because I like trying things and because my gut microbiota deserves diversity. I've put it through a lot over the years, and now I'm not just eating for one anymore, I'm eating for 100 trillion (gotta include all those symbiotic microbial cells).
The tofu is simple air fried tofu with eggy seasoning.
The cheese is my smokehouse plant-based canyon cheddar—I don't need much and it's very satisfying in stuff like this.
The bun is the 5-ingredient artisan roll from Costco: flour, water, salt, yeast, and malted barley flour. Because it's a fresh bread product, they don't list nutrition info on the bags here, so I just looked it up and it does have quite the load of salt, but otherwise it's not bad. I guess most breads are salty, so it shouldn't be a big surprise or anything. I wrapped this up and heated it in the air fryer at 350F for about 12 minutes and it was mmmm MMMM.
#plantbased #oilfree #breakfastforlunch