Buffalo Ranch Frites du Jardin (oil-free) 💚
I made air fries last night for dinner. I'm like 87% certain I posted these but I don't see them so here they are! I know I posted the oil-free air fries by themselves! I'm honing in my practice: don't crowd the air fries, and don't fidget with them any more than you have to.
I topped these with homemade jalapeño style @mcdougallmom ranch dressing and a bunch of shakes of Louisiana hot sauce. And then I rained down a storm of thinly sliced shallots, green onions, fresh garlic, and cilantro. All the best things, really! Bet you can almost smell my breath from there! Mmmm MMMM! 😋
#plantbased #potatobased #oilfree #fritesdujardin #moregreen