Carrots, celery, & cucumbers with French onion dip (plant-based, oil-free) 💚
Veggies! Woohoo! This is a new dip based on the same base I usually make, but for flavoring I added a caramelized white onion. I think I added maybe an entire onion, which cooked down to about half a cup chopped.
I've looked up caramelizing onions about a million times over the years. I know it's easier with oil, sugar, salt, baking soda, etc. But this was the first time I really, REALLY just took the time to slice them super thin and cook them over medium-low heat only very occasionally adding water when they would start to stick. I cooked them while I cleaned the kitchen. I mostly lost track of time, but it was a good 45-60 minutes, and let me tell you, one ingredient caramelized onions were not nearly as temperamental as I kept thinking they would be. The dip needs more depth, I am not sure what to add for that. There's some savory component missing as well as maybe a teaspoon or so of maple syrup. Maybe a small drizzle of Worcestershire sauce or something.. hmm.
#plantbased #veggielicious #frenchonion #craigstestkitchen #oilfree