Corned soy curls 💚☘️
It's the ONE time of year that I make corned anything, and even that isn't a tradition I grew up on. I actually don't remember having a special meal for St. Patrick's Day, probably because it was so close to Easter (ham).
Last year I used a crock pot and it was slower than cold molasses in the middle of winter. I'm always trying to make things easier and more efficient picking up tips and trying new things along the way. My favorite texture for soy curls is to really get them soft, and then use low heat to pull back out some moisture and intensity the texture and flavors. That's this!
📌 RECIPE—Craig's Corned Soy Curls
16 oz (2 cups) water
2 tbsp pickling spice (salt free)
½ tsp salt
4 oz soy curls, dry
1½ tsp beetroot powder
1 tbsp malt vinegar
½ sheet rice paper (optional)
Heat water and pickling spice to a low simmer, cover and simmer for about 20 minutes. Filter out pickling spices from the broth and discard. Add dry soy curls to the broth and simmer uncovered until the liquid has been almost fully absorbed and evaporated, leaving no more than a tablespoon of liquid in the pan. The soy curls should be very soft. Set in a cool or ventilated area to cool down to warm. Carefully mix beetroot powder with malt vinegar (acv or water can work here as well), then gently fold red liquid on the soy curls. Don't squeeze it in, keep it mostly on the surface.
Spread out on a sheet pan (I use parchment) and bake at 225°F with convection if you have it for 15 mins, then stir them, and then bake 15 more minutes. Optionally add strips of half a sheet of rehydrated rice paper if you want added fatty mouthfeel. I prefer an extra meaty texture, so it roll them out with a rolling pin.
#plantbased #soycurls #oilfree #stpatricksday #☘️☘️☘️