'Everything' hummus crudités plate (plant-based, oil-free) 💚
You can tell when it's a nighttime snack when my lighting is this bad 😂
Cucumbers, a scallion, celery, pretzel sticks (I added a bit later), and hummus that's been a hit with a shower of my homemade 'everything' mix. The mix requires no exact recipe: a very generous layer of dried minced (or flaked) onion, a decent layer of dried minced garlic, two passes of poppy seeds, and a single pass of raw sesame seeds. I tried toasted sesame seeds today for the first time because I had them freshly toasted and they were a bit dominant in the flavor department.
I'm a big fan of a little scallion or leek slice to mix up the veggies these days. Yum-a-lum! 😋
#plantbased #hummus #veggies #oilfree