Green Forest Ham 💚
Here's the recipe for the tofu ham I've been making lately. I'm so happy with the flavor symphony! I added a copy to my "Craig's Faves" highlights, but if anyone would like to translate it this post will be much easier!
1 block extra-firm tofu
— Forest Ham Seasoning Blend
â…› tsp coriander powder
¼ tsp caraway seeds
¼ tsp granulated garlic
â…› tsp black pepper
2 dry juniper berries
1 tsp beetroot powder
2 dashes celery salt
— Forest Ham Marinade
1 tsp maple syrup
3 tbsp light tamari or soy sauce
2 tsp liquid smoke (like pecan or hickory)
1 batch Forest Ham Seasoning Blend (see above)
Start pressing tofu. Blend ‘Forest Ham Seasoning Blend’ into a fine powder. Make the marinade in a small bowl. Slice tofu into slabs about ½ cm-thick. Layer marinade and tofu in a glass dish with an airtight lid (or other airtight container). Marinate 30 minutes, flipping twice.
Preheat oven to 250°F (use convection if you have it). Lay marinated tofu on wire rack on a sheet pan, cook until it just starts to dry (i.e. no longer ‘wet’ or ‘tacky’ on top), about 30-45 minutes. Let cool then refrigerate.
#plantbased #oilfree #glutenfree #vegan