Homemade moong dal omelette 🤨
In my día de la cocina yesterday, I also gave a moong dal egg recipe a whirl, oil-free & low salt. If you're not interested in the deets, I will spare you some reading (I like to add them so I can reference what I did in the future): it's a split mung bean omelette with a hint of eggy flavor from the kala namak and a very dense texture but overall there's promise. Someone's gotta have a sit down with this method and really give it some TLC 😊
Here we go!
I based it 90% on a @veganhackspod recipe because I love that guy's energy and he's done this a few ways so it wasn't just a one-off.
I decided to make a double batch for testing, no regular salt and only adding kala namak (black salt) to taste during cooking. That's my jam for new recipes.
1️⃣ First try: Batter straight into hot nonstick pan.
A globby, gummy, mess, no doubt about it. Everything stuck to everything so much I thought it was a scientific breakthrough for adhesives. This is the 2nd & 3rd photos.
2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ Attempts 2-5: For the rest I used rice paper on bottom to keep it from sticking. This worked unbelievably well. I quickly realized that the gumminess was largely moisture-based, so I made each successive omelette thinner until it was really quite thin. You can see one of the winners in my plant-based English muffin breakfast sandwich this morning which was a fun lil thing (moong dal omelette, Green Forest Ham, canyon cheddar ... This thing was nutritionally basically a bean and nut sandwich 😆😆😆, yay).
Since this is a whole food and not an isolate like commercial products, it tastes like split mung beans. But really, a split mung bean might be distinct but it's not bad! I froze the omelettes, each one missing pieces I broke off to nibble on while testing, and reheated one in a pan with the ham and cheese this morning. Umm, that's it, I have nearly 2 pounds of moong dal still (I love that word, 'moong'. 'dal' isn't half bad, either) so I probably have like 70 more omelettes in my future.
#plantbased #moongdal #craigstestkitchen #kitchenfun #oilfree #oilfreecooking #75omelettes