In the past, I'd modify my favorite foods to align with my diet. For instance, I often ate roast beef/mayo/lettuce sandwiches for lunch. While making a vegan or healthier plant-based version seemed logical, it always felt off. Even if I found a relatively comparable vegan alternative, it didn't satisfy my hankering. My senses expected one thing but got another.
I've come to understand that my go-to foods are deeply wired into my brain, making healthier alternatives feel misleading and inferior. 💚 However, there's a solution. 💚
I've found it more effective to experiment with healthier dishes I've either never tried or haven't had in a while. Like the Matbucha I recently posted, I've never had that or even HEARD of that before two weeks ago. As my tastes evolve, I can reintroduce healthier versions of my recent favorites without a sensory clash. The surprising outcome? Some old junk food favorites now taste so off to me, I can't even enjoy them. 🤯
[Pictured: lentil-oat-veggie 'meatballs' on chunky marinara with a plant-based aioli on lightly toasted soft French bread, because I haven't had a meatball sub in eons and I just wanted something handheld and warming... for breakfast 😆]