I've been experimenting with vegan cheesemaking for a long time. It's a hobby of mine that exercises my strength in patience and failure. For a while, I'm pretty sure I was known as "that guy with a vegan cheese fridge". 😝 With the way I enjoy food these days, this is almost purely for fun now, but I won't complain if it comes out great.
I was excited this morning to find a beautiful blue on this tofu block that I started a couple of weeks ago.
The core is simply firm tofu with a thin coating of Penicillium roqueforti (about ⅓ of a single drop, diluted), wrapped in cheesecloth, and coated in white miso while it ages. The idea is to create an environment rich in good bacteria (miso) that will also allow Penicillium roqueforti inoculation to occur and thrive.
This is mixing the most basic 'tofu misozuke' method with a very basic 'growing blue cheese mold' method. If I end up with a blue cheese flavored tofu misozuke, well, that would be awesome! 😋
#plantbased #oilfree #vegancheese