Jazzy Veg, one more time! I think I'm on my third batch in the past couple of weeks. I'm trying a new homemade broth powder so I HAD to make this... for breakfast 😁
The broth powder is a win. It's a variation on the recipe by @veeatcookbake which was SO MUCH BETTER than all the top Google hits for this type of bouillon / broth. You should check out Jasmine's ig and yt, it's seriously impressive!
#starchivore #forksoverknives #starchivorousrex #jazzyveg #homemadebroth #plantbasedcooking #vegetablebroth #creativecooking #breakfastbowl #veganfoodlove #foodexperiment #healthychoices #vegan #plantbased #plantpowered #savortheveganflavor #deliciousandnutritious #craigstestkitchen #craigsgreentable