Leek chips 💚
Just playing around with stuff.
I was on a roll with the air fryer fries yesterday. Decided to try air frying plain leek greens I had saved (the top, tougher part) just by themselves, no salt or oil or anything. I washed and dried the leek tops, and then air fried them at 300°F until they just started to brown, maybe 10 mins, and let them cool. I'm crunching on them the next day and I must say, what a fun use for leek greens. They're a bit like kale chips but they're naturally more flavorful 😋
The dark leeks on the very right were cooked at 400°F, I would not recommend that unless you want burnt leeks.
Note: they're a tad bitter when brown so I might even drop the temp to 275°F next time or just take them out at first sign of browning.
#plantbased #leeks #veggiechips #leekchips