Montréal-style smoked soy curls on homemade multigrain sourdough 💚
This is one of my favorite plant-based foods. It was truly a labor of love to get to this point, which I reached last summer I think. Trial and error and countless days and nights smelling of various wood smokes (sorry fam!). And, as part of my journey I can say it was worth it. Even today, it was several hours to make this, but to me, it's worth it. There are many other ways to make soy curls quicker than this, and they're worth it, too 😊
Soy curls are single-ingredient, minimally processed whole soybeans. I rehydrate and season them, brighten them with beetroot powder, and smoke them low & slow for a few hours. I get away with less salt than a deli meat would have because to my tastes, smoke is able to reduce the amount of salt to achieve a delightfully complex taste. And because they're soy curls, you can penetrate them with smoke more than you ever could with a meat product, which I find kinda awesome. If you're curious about the texture, also a trial and error discovery – I texturize them with a wooden dowel.
It's this kind of food that helped me transition away from deli meats which are classified as Group 1 carcinogens (up there with asbestos and plutonium). It removed my deprived food feelings and paved the way for more beans, vegetables, and other great foods!
#plantbased #soycurls #montrealsmoked #oilfree #transitiontoplantbased