Mushroom broccoli spinach casserole 💚
Another easy peasy meal! I made the casserole yesterday and today I put together this plate for dinner with a simple & satisfying chopped salad. I decided some variation of this casserole should sometimes follow making mashed potatoes, because I use the remaining potato broth as the base broth for this recipe, and I use the leftover homemade plant-based sweet cream sour cream as the main seasoning.
The casserole is mostly like the asparagus one I posted, but I cooked it with a pound of frozen broccoli, which extended the cook time by 20 mins (note to self: cook broccoli separately and add it at the end like I did with asparagus because that's some really *gray* broccoli right there). I also used ¾ cup white jasmine rice and ¼ cup ancient grain mix, so it's got some fun stuff like wild rice in there.
Also, isn't it great that spinach still has Popeye as a Mascot?
The chopped salad is iceberg lettuce, green bell pepper, carrots, red onion, and ranch dressing (bet you can't guess which recipe I used for the dressing 😆😆😆). I'd really like to come up with a crunchy, shelf-stable salad topping mix that is easy to put together or ready-made. The problem with salads like this is that it's so nearly exactly similar to salads from my childhood that I feel like it's missing a little something—in this case those little red imitation bacon bits, which I know are accidentally vegan and wouldn't totally derail my path, but there's gotta be something similar that's not quite as ultra-processed. 🤔 I'm going to start paying closer attention to everyone's salads to get some more inspiration.
#plantbased #mushrooms #spinach #broccoli #rice #casserole #oilfree