My Sourdough Chronicles
This is very similar to yesterday's bread, but I'm now working in more whole grains. I used ⅓ wholemeal spelt flour with ⅔ all-purpose flour and a boatload of tips from one of my bread mentors @plant.eating.angie !
This grew a lot faster than my last dough. That sourdough starter must really like the spelt flour.
I made a couple of rookie mistakes – I didn't tighten the boule shape sufficiently and given yesterday's extra cracking, I decided to cut a larger and deeper score in the top (is there an official term for that score?). That, plus the higher density of the flour affected the rise, you can see a few photos in this new loaf in the background versus yesterday's in the foreground. Still learning a lot, and I'm eager to make a nice, gut health promoting sourdough.
I also took lots of pictures, I just find everything dough and bread to be so enjoyable. Check out where I scored the bread and like a minute later when it just started to slouch.
The boule may not have all the external appeal of my last one, but it actually tastes even better. Now to figure out how I want to freeze these because that's all part of my big bread plan 😊
#plantbased #sourdoughchronicles #oilfree #sourdough