Oatie sausage whole wheat buttermilk pancakes 💚
This was a last-minute idea when I was making the most glorious whole wheat pancakes with extra wheat berries. I had these extra oatie sausages from last weekend and did a little batter treatment on them.
TBH, I'm still slightly perturbed by the fact that this mimics something so unhealthy, but how's that any different than, I dunno, whole-foods mayo, tofu ham, or a plant-based cheezy sausage-y casserole? I suspect it's my own personal history and fixation. ANYWAY, who cares, it's 100% whole wheat pancakes and seasoned traditional oats with flaxseeds. This was fun and it certainly tasted exactly like you might think it would, but I just wanted some pancakes, so I'm glad I didn't make only these 😊
#plantbased #craigstestkitchen #oilfree #wholegrains