Plant-based, oil-free tomato soup 💚
Leftover @plantyou soup from last night with a couple of adjustments.
Last night's soup was a bit of an experiment in flavor adjustment. Although it turned out a tad more tart than my pref, today brought some balance to the dish. About half a teaspoon of maple syrup and just under a quarter teaspoon of molasses added to my serving while reheating mellowed the tartness. This simple tweak reminded me that, often, our meals are laden with sugars, fats, and salts, not by necessity, but by habit. Yet, here I am, rediscovering the true essence of taste, one spoonful at a time.
I'm learning to adopt the same strategy with items like salt, cashew nuts, and even concentrated treats like maple syrup, as I do with my overall eating habits. Instead of talking about moderation—a term I struggle with given the baggage that comes with it—I prefer to think in different terms. I ask myself what's the minimum I can use to enjoy this food? This approach helps me recalibrate my eating habits away from the standard diet towards a more intentional, pleasurable way of eating. It's particularly effective when dealing with rich ingredients, where **a little goes a long way in elevating the flavor and experience of a dish**. 💚😋
Second soup –
I was still hungry after my cup of soup, so I made a second cup with leftover ancient grains and it was very hearty and very filling and very tasty! It tastes just like a great hot soup I could get from the local food co-op!
#plantbased #plantyou #tomatosoup #oilfree #simpleanddelicious