Rosemary & black pepper fries with mayup (plant-based, oil-free) 💚
I'm pretty happy with the 'fries that were once crispy' method now. I still tweak it a little here and there, but the general method is this:
1 serving frozen (parboiled) fries, about a pound
1 tbsp + 2 tsp water
1 tsp white vinegar
1 tsp dry rosemary, crushed a bit
¾ tsp coarsely ground black pepper
Preheat air fryer and air fry 20 minutes at 400F shaking halfway through cooking. Put cooked fries in a steel mixing bowl, add liquids and toss. Add seasoning and toss. Cover with a plate or plastic wrap for a couple of minutes to steam. Crush em a little bit for texture and plate. If I'm using a dipping sauce, I tend to skip salting. If I'm eating them by themselves, then I'll salt at serving time.
The mayup is just 50/50 homemade plant-based oil-free mayo and ketchup. 🤍❤️
I love the simple, straightforward flavors of rosemary and black pepper. So warming and delicious 😋
#plantbased #potatoes #poyaytoes #fries #chips #satisfyinganddelicious #oilfree