Sichuan Pepper & Orange Peel Soy Curls 💚
This is the best new, vibrant soy curls seasoning I've had in a while! 🙌
If you happen to have Sichuan peppercorns, then you've gotten the one oddball ingredient. I can only imagine how you might substitute for them... Shavings of dessicated lemon peel, lavender, and crusty, earthy juniper berry mixed with a few drops of Novocaine?? I wouldn't try that 😆
The thing I looove about recipes like this is that the soy curls aren't trying to be chicken or beef or pork or cat or whatever, they're just shredded chunks of extruded soybean and they really hold their own!
📌 RECIPE (2 servings)
Shredded Soy Curls (INGREDIENTS):
2 ounces soy curls, dry
4 ounces water
Sichuan Pepper & Orange Peel Marinade (INGREDIENTS):
1 tbsp heaping orange peel zest (zest from about 3/4 of a big orange; I left them in big, hearty strips)
1 tsp minced garlic (or pressed)
1 tsp minced ginger (or grated)
1 tsp Sichuan peppercorn, roughly ground (I smush it with a thick glass jar on my cutting board, a normal person might have a mortar and pestle)
1.5 tbsp low sodium soy sauce (or tamari)
1 tbsp water
1 tsp maple syrup
Heat water for the shredded soy curls to almost a simmer in a small saucepan. Turn off heat, add soy curls, stir, and cover for 6-7 minutes (stirring once after about three minutes). Shred using your favorite method; I used the blender method. Set warm, shredded soy curls aside on a plate or cutting board.
In the small sauce pan, add marinade ingredients over low heat to bring the flavors together and slightly soften the Sichuan peppers for just a minute or so. Don't boil. If you increase the batch size, it'll surely take a little extra time. Add the shredded soy curls, then stir and cook over low heat for another minute or two until the curls are well seasoned and warmed up!
#plantbased #soycurls #citrusy #savory #plantpowered #oilfree #veganrecipeshare