Tonight's veggie VIPs are none other than everyone's favorite Cruciferous Couple: Broc & Flower! 💪🥦
The cauliflower is a bit green because I rubbed all of this with a little avocado to see what might happen in the air fryer. It was fine; nothing to write home about. My veg has mostly been lightly sauteed (basically steamed), boiled, or fresh lately, so it was nice to mix things up!
#plantbased #veggielife #veggiepower #greenlife #cruciferouscouple #brocandflower #airfryerveggies #plantstrong #eatyourgreens #eatyourveggies #veggielover #veggiepost #healthyfood #wellness #plantnutrition #nourishyourbody #nourishyourmind #nourishyoursoul #healthyandhappy #craigstestkitchen #craigsgreentable