Walnut Butter 💚💚💚
I used up the last 2 tbsp of my walnut butter in those cookies yesterday, so fresh batch it is. The problem is sometimes when I start them from room temp, they get too warm in the food processor. If they get sufficiently hot, the flavor will change, so I had to stop the process twice when they got pretty warm to haul the container outside in the cold air to cool down. I think I'll go back to walnut butter from frozen walnuts.
The extended cook time meant two breakfasts today 🤗 I started with the sprout colcannon and when this was done I made a small bowl of oats I had cooked earlier. Mmmm MMMM! I love these simple foods that are so dang tasty.
– Fill food processor 50-90% full (80% is the sweet spot for me, it looked like about 1-1.5 pounds) of raw walnuts (optionally frozen)
– Run food processor 5-10 mins, scrape if stuff stops moving
– Optionally salt.
I measured my salting today, I have a slow salt shaker, and I went shake shake shake shake shake, blended that in, tasted, and did it once more. It's about one or two pinches worth of salt in about 1-1.5 pounds of walnuts, it really doesn't take much of you want the flavor to pop a little.
EDIT: Just weighed the jar it's just a bit over a pound in my batch, 1lb should fit snug in a pint glass jar.
#plantbased #walnuts #walnutbutter