Whole wheat spaghetti and neatballs, The Mighty KMG (kale, mushrooms, garlic), and tofu-almond ricotta 💚
This was exactly what I wanted today, and everything came together rather quickly. I had the neatballs in the freezer, it's the wonderful @plant.eating.angie recipe (August 21, 2022). I made them a while back and stored them in my freezer until today! Do they get soft when I put them frozen in the just simmering sauce to heat up? Heck yes! Do I mind at all? Heck no, they're awesome!
📌 Ricotta
The tofu ricotta was the @plantyou recipe on her lasagna soup web page (ALSO recommended by @plant.eating.angie). I used just 2 tbsp lemon juice, a pinch of oregano instead of parsley, a pinch of salt, and 18g (3 tbsp) blanched almond flour. The small amount of almond flour makes a big, huge, massive impact for my taste buds. Not trying to convince anyone else to do it this way, but it sure works for me. You do you!
📌 Sauce
The spaghetti sauce is another little foodie passion project of mine. Making yummy things quickly from pantry staples. 1 (6oz.) can tomato paste, 2 'cans' water, 1½ tsp Italian seasoning, ½ tsp granulated garlic, 15 cranks freshly cracked black pepper, a pinch of celery seeds, a pinch of crushed red pepper, 1½ tsp maple syrup. Heat to a simmer and adjust seasonings to your preference!
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